What’s On My Desk? Ep. 4

So… It’s been a while. But welcome to another episode of What’s On My Desk?! Lots has happened since I last featured my own setup. I’ve been working mostly and when I’m finally off, I usually work on some other projects or study – I’m an actuary by trade so there is a LOT of studying. With the whole work from home shift following the pandemic, I’ve arranged for my desk setup to be easy to switch between “work mode” and “out of office” mode. With a few cable management tricks and some handy gadgets, I’ll show you how I make the switch seamlessly. Here’s what I’ve been using for the past year!

What’s On My Desk? Ep. 3 (feat. @rnambu)

Welcome fellow keebnerds, keebros, and normal humans to another episode of What’s On My Desk?! Wait.. how did my setup change so drastically so quickly? Well, it’s not mine. This time, I am featuring a setup shared to me by a fellow mechanical keyboard enthusiast Ryan (ig: @rnambu). Ryan’s setup is full of fun stuff … Read more

What’s On My Desk? Ep. 2

Today, I’ll be sharing something that changes a bit more often: my home setup! Naturally, the home setup is for work, play, and study and that that in mind, things tend to change and move around more often. Looking back, when I was prototyping the SMORTCAR, I had 3 different boards on my desk at … Read more

What’s On My Desk? Ep. 1

Welcome to the very first episode / blog-a-sode / something-a-sode of “What’s on my desk?”! Here I will keep everyone posted about what I am currently using. Though I don’t think this is something that will change too often, I may switch out some setups here and there and will be updating the main “What’s … Read more